
Wednesday 31 March 2010

Fashion: Iconic photographs by Mark Shaw

I love the above images by Mark Shaw. One of the most celebrated photographers of the 60’s -Mark Shaw was the official photographer for the Kennedys …These exquisite photos were taken at the beautiful 17th century home of Suzanne Luling, -directrice of Dior in Paris, 1960 -and were commissioned for LIFE magazine….

Words of Wisdom: Anna Wintour

“Do your homework, go online, visit every museum, and intern. You just need to have a love for what you’re doing. It’s not about thinking that it’s the cool thing; it’s about really believing in it. Anna Wintour

***I often get emails about how to get into the fashion industry.....and all I can say is -I'm a big believer in internship. Yes it can be hard to get one with some of the bigger glossies -but why not try one of those fabulous high-end newspaper magazines [Style and Stella magazine are good]. Also, start blogging -it's a wonderful platform for your work/style and can lead to amazing opportunities....xx

Feeling too much....?

Watching Erykah Badu's video’s [the last post] got me thinking of those moments when ‘one feels too much’! One of my most uber lovely friends -is feeling [far] too much at the moment –and so I thought I would post this for her… Ms ‘lalalala-where-is my-life-going-I-just-want-to-sleep-ohhh’ -this note is for you -sweets. Lots of Big Love from Paulina [who thankfully is feeling very little of late]…..We shall in due time -meet somewhere in the middle [I hope] where there’s balance and chocolate cupcakes for us both……xx

America's talking about Erykah Badu's new video

I’m bored by the ominous crazy racket crossing the pond with regards to Erykah Badu's new music video… Is it controversial? Nope! All sista Badu’s doing is [what they called in Ghana] –‘exhibiting’… She has not lost her mind-d-d… Nope; Erykah’s a grown black woman who wants to be free…and I know just how she feels....I'm getting over a head cold [I still feel rough! If I was a dog -they would have me put down! It started last Sunday after a lovely trip to The British Museum with King Alexander] -and I would love to take it all off and lay on ground -feeling free, free, free....But I know the errm good people of ‘The Bar’ would complain or have me sectioned! Why aren’t people trying to understand what Ms Badu’s trying to convey [eeerrm sorry I better watch it again to find out what she's fighting for -….this time..hehehe.] -But all they want to discuss is the fact that Ms Badu’s BUTT naked at the very end off this video....! By the way I think she looks fabulous ...she's 39..!

Lady Gaga and Beyonce do Thelma and Louise

The world has gone GAGAGAGAGA for Lady Gaga ….but all I want is another Polaroid camera –and that lovely Virgin mobile phone –I saw the other day!…. Personally, –this video’s a bit too ‘Prison Cell Porn’ for me –but the vivid colours remind me of some of David LaChapelle's past photo shoots …. Good to see Beyonce edging –it up a little…...

Saturday 27 March 2010

The Spirit: A Cheerful Giver…..

Let Brother Franklin inspire you to give to the Lord with a cheerful heart…….x

Thursday 25 March 2010

Words of Wisdom: Naomi Campbell

"Everyone knows what I've gone through. I'm human, I make mistakes but I've come clean on them all. I don't deny them. I've taken the heat and felt highly embarrassed by a lot of them. I'm not proud of the things I've done and the incidents that have happened in my life, and I would never say I was. But I did something about it. I'm not above learning lessons," Naomi Campbell

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Africa Rising……..images to provoke the African in you….

Dizzee Rascal [Ghanaian heritage] and Shingai Shoniwa [Zimbabwean heritage]
Art work by Ghanaian artist -Tafa
Vogue Paris NOV09
POP Africa Magazine
Armani Casa

Musician Wunmi aka Wunmigirl [of Nigerian heritage] –is the natural successor to Fela Kuti…
Tribal Couture -Surma and Mursi tribes of East Africa's Omo Valley

Ermanno Scervino’s Chair

Vogue Paris NOV 09
Model Alek Wek [Sudanese origin]

Binta Armchair [with traditional African fabrics by Moroso]

Art by Yinka Shonibare MBE [Nigerian origin] called Leisure Lady (with Ocelots), 2001

Teen Vogue featuring Naana B’s dress

YSL’s African Inspired Dress
Part of Duro Olowu's Collection

Thandie Newton [Zimbabwean heritage]
TimeOut Ghana
bal Couture -Surma and Mursi tribes of East Africa's Omo Valley

H and M's Kente design

Armani Casa
Bal D'Afrique Parfum 100ml, Byredo Parfums
South African woven baskets
Bojo Beach Ghana

Vogue Paris NOV09

Greenand Purple Kente Dress by Ogekko
LV Bag and Bangles

How to Blow Up Two Heads at Once (Ladies), 2006 –by Yinka Shonibare MBE
African gals -Tolula Adeyemi [Nigerian heritage] and Shingai Shoniwa [Zimbabwean heritage]
YSL's African Art Collection
Actor Idris Elba [Sierra Leonean and Ghanaian heritage]
Binta Chairs
Art work by Chris Ofili [Nigerian heritage] called Christmas Eve, 2007