
Sunday 15 March 2009

Fashion: Vogue Covers 2009

Is there a revolution going on at American Vogue? After the March cover featured 'our' first lady, Michelle Obama (I love it by the way) I thought the world would probably have to wait until -let say, the November issue to see another woman of colour gracing it cover. I was (and I am sure many of you would agree) under the impression that American Vogue had fulfilled its, 'we-must-give-them-at-least-one-cover-to-keep-them-happy' quota. But would you Adam and Eve it, the lovely Beyonce is gracing the April Issue (that's two magazine covers in a roll people). Anna Wintour must be on a mission because it wasn't that long ago -when enlighten magazine editors believed that if you put a black women on the front cover it wouldn't sell. I for one believe that Anna is hot and on trend and like her adopted country -is feeling the wind of change. Kudos Anna Wintour.

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