
Sunday 26 April 2009

Credit Crunch? Suck on my F-A-S-H-I-O-N!!!!!

It makes me laugh when I hear folk complaining about 'La Crunch' -because, for some of 'us' (I am sure you agree) -it is nothing new, We have been in 'it' -forever. For cre-a-tive types like you and me; -the path we have taken (is juicy creative, stimulating, fulfilling) -but doesn't always pay or isn't consistent (freelancing hell -is more like it). But I wouldn't swap my cre-a-tive life for an ordinary 9-2-5 (not for all the tea in China). So, what do you do when the credit, start crunching? Start playing. It's fun, costs nada -and will keep you off the streets (he he he). The photographs below, -are the results of my gorgeous 4 year old son and me -playing. Oh, how we played, and played, and laughed and laughed (he is now inspired -and is sorting out his toys -Praise the Lord).

Our play was also an opportunity for me to touch, revisit and re-love some of the 'STUFF' I packed away (I have a small flat with very little storage). And guess what? I am going to start using/wearing/loving some of my 'STUFF' -again (so this is a win, win, win solution - you get to have fun, without spending any dosh -fabulous). This play also allowed me to get to grips with my make-up and other beauty products -and throw out the, 'out-of-daters'.

But on a much deeper level, -it has also brought home -some home truths, -that I am overweight (I cannot get into my, Missoni jumper, my Gianfranco Ferre -butter soft leather jacket, a much loved Liza Bruce kaftan -that I wore to my very first , 'Elle Style Awards' (a very special night with lovely friends, - and a catch up with a fellow 'Ghanaian Princess', June Sarpong -I love that sister) and last but not least, my bat-winged Ghost top (I am now taking stock and looking for a sponsor to pay for my 'Lapband' operation -just like Lilly Allen -hehehe). I found some fabulous stuff, -and my eclectic taste and years of styling and collecting means, -I have a mish mash of yummy pieces. I have had to edit my choice of photographs -too many to put up, -plus, these are my favourites. I will let the photographs do the talking...........Enjoy playing, folks

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