
Friday 24 April 2009

F-I-E-R-C-E ......F-I-R-E from Africa-ca-ca-ca!!!!

Divas in the West have nothing on the, 'Uber-fire-Crutch-Top-Mama-Dancer-look-I-can-drop-it-like-its-Hot' Divas of Africa-ca-ca. Because when 'Mama' puts on her shorts, -she is out to kill!!! Please, don't try and take her on. Be warned, -mama has seen war(s), experienced poverty, raise seven children -single handed, and has overcome 'the fathers' of her children -with her diamante encrusted acrylic nails and her long blond weave-on intact. Note, after this errrm ....session, -this mama now eats with Politicians, bathes in pink champagne, is going to marry well, about to be mortgage free in -Congo and France, -and her children are schooled -privately. Go Mama..... u-alone-be-winner oooooooooooo......xx

P.s I am uber inspired -it's time to put down my chip-butty and get F-I-E-R-C-E....Fire!!!

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