
Thursday 6 August 2009

My soo called Life: Bow Wow is, 'bored with life' and in a 'dark place.'

"Man I be gettn bored wit life................I wish I neva did and seen err thang so soon. I have nuffn to look forward 2. I'm down more than I am a dark place! goodbye." (Bow Wow's Twitter -Tuesday July 7)

"This is my last album because for me, there's no more that needs to be done on the music side, I've done everything," Bow explained. "And the scary thing is I'm 22 years-old and I'm young. I'm still a baby, so it's kinda like on the music side, I've been doing it since five. That's 17 years of non-stop music, music, music. There's nothing more to accomplish that I haven't seen yet...I feel like now it's time to endure a new challenge...Close the chapter on the Bow Wow legacy...As far as albums, I'm good. Seven albums at 22, that's crazy." Bow Wow (Credit: Real Talk NY)

Its amazing to think that at the 'rip old age of 22' -Bow Wow is bored with his life and feels that he has seen it and done it all etc etc, -but the truth is that this young man has been kicking about in the music industry since he was 5 -and I'm not surprised he is tired!!! Too much $%£@, too little $£%&* -and way too fast &%%$ -has left this talented artist [and many other stars especially those who started out young -like Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears and off cause the late great Michael Jackson] spiralling out of control. This off cause will not garner much sympathy from [some] desperate wannabes -who believe that money, success -and lots of attention is what makes the 'soul' happy etc.... Anyway I'm sure you all have your own opinions on what Bow Wow had to say, - I just wish him love, peace and maybe some time out and -errrm maybe some charity work etc?? I find that when times get dark -those of us who channel 'this faze' by helping others, -come out much better!!!

* Bow Wow, -recently parted company with Columbia Records and is looking for another label....

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