
Friday 25 December 2009

2009 The Year of Comebacks..... Behold, God is doing a ‘New Thing’.....Don’t look back.....

"I didn't do anything for a year. I mean, nothing......Everyone was asking, 'What have you done?' But I had nothing to show them. I didn't go anywhere. I didn't write anything. I didn't work. I sat at my kitchen table for a whole year, people came and people went, life drifted by. It was just bleak. Bleak." Corinne Bailey Rae

"When things get really bad...sometimes it's better to restart and build again" Mischa Barton

“Remember not the former thing. Neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing, Even now it is springing to light. Do you not perceive it? A way will I make in the wilderness And rivers in the desert!” Isaiah 43:16, 18-19

I believe that, if you haven’t had to start [all over] again by the the age of 35, –then you are either ‘No threat to the devil’–or you haven’t ‘dared-to-live’. I had to comeback again -this year after letting go of my model agency [and other stuff], -and all the heartache that this experience entailed –nearly killed me, but by God’s Grace [Amen] –I am back. And so -I would like to thank God because:

"Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal. From six calamities he will rescue you; in seven no harm will befall you.” Job 5:17-19

I would also like to send out some BIG Love to Okomfo Kwaade, Lord Kenya, myself, Mischa Barton, Eminem, Whitney Houston, Britney Spears and Holly Johnson [Frankie Goes to Hollywood] and anyone [reading this] –who has had to start again, -and 'comeback' this year. Don’t begrudge the experience folks, –because these are the very lessons –that are needed to get 'you' -to the next level [by Gods Grace ...Amen].

Note, - you’ll know you have been delivered/corrected/healed by God's grace [and are making a comeback] because you will no longer have ‘Anything’ to prove. After the storm, you will notice many things.....-for example; you’ll find that you –can no longer do anything without God [and accept this fact without bitterness]. You’ll also notice that you only have two friends left [if you are lucky /blessed. You will know for sure who your [real] friends are –and be very selective about the rest, -letting only those –who are going to edify and nourish your soul –within an inch of your temple/your being]. Note, - you’ll also find it very difficult to gossip or judge people after this period ...and will be greatly distressed by poverty/injustice/hurting children/bad governance etc. But the most amazing of these new blessings are –the ‘No Bitterness’ and the ‘No Prejudice’ feelings. To hear someone disrespect another [because they come from a different place –say] –is such an ugly experience. I got a big revelation during this period too –and it was to do with God having –purposefully created every human being [of every colour and of every race] –and thus, to hate Polish people [for example] –is to hate God, or hate Jewish/Nigerian/Ghanaian/Gambian people etc – is to hate God [this type of revelation is soo big –and will only come to you ‘during’ a storm]...

But the biggest change is the creativity. I seem to be bursting with lots and lots of creative ideas. I guess there is nothing like coming back from ‘Hell’ to get all your creative juices going –just look at this Blog [hehehe] Merry Christmas folks [and welcome back]....Don't look back......’Big-tings-are-gwa'on.. next year!!! xxx

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