
Thursday 28 January 2010

President Barack Obama's first year in office -'Yes we Can'

I was doing some research last night, –looking for the right image to accompany a short piece about ‘our first family’s’ first year in office –and stumbled across this image of President Barack Obama. Relaxed, working and doing his thing [in his own humble way] -I was struck by the soles of his shoes and was deeply touched by just how very real President Barack Obama is. God continue to Bless him, Michelle and our first princesses....I decided to not write anything as I felt that the following piece by Samira Edi from said it all...Enjoy....xx

Title: Obama's Humble Shoes By Samira Edi
The time-honoured message is etched on the sole
Like a metaphor— an understatement of a rare gem’s soul
Just half of his story which reflects our very own lives
That from adversity, a patient phoenix soars and thrives
It is the seal of greatness encased in meekness and modesty
They bespeak the spirit that underscores his great personality
The logo of a man of unblemished integrity
Here’s the insignia of one who knows his priority
Alas, this is the imprimatur of a man who loves humanity
Whose fight for our freedoms, was fraught with humbling indignity
Now his footprints are impressed on the heart of mankind
As the beacon of inspiration—a genius and a priceless find
It is the badge of a rara avis—unique and one of a kind
Tired shoes! Well-travelled feet—the independence of mind
This is the symbol of distinction—of remarkable character
An emblem of an outstanding political caretaker
They are the eloquent testament to a message of hope
That provides a clear viewfinder to our visions from a wider scope
The brilliant architect of a matchless political campaign
Those shoes paved his path to the Whitehouse to voice our pain
A man of compassion, he had a dream from an absent father
Audaciously he taught us to, “Be Your Brother’s Keeper”
Here is a leading servant with a phenomenal ability
Those shoes of his mettle—helped pick up the mace of authority
Remember, Remember the fourth of November
We thronged out to victory—We Voted Obama
He walked to greatness in humble shoes— that’s our man
That one who carried our weight and cried out, “Yes We Can”

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