
Tuesday 23 March 2010

My cup is full and running over......

It's taken me two weeks to tidy up my desk….and I’m soooo happy –because its also the place my son and I eat....thus we have found ourselves only using one side of the table at supper time [Alex has been very good about the whole messy thing -bless him]. I’ve been beating myself up for ages; -dreading the deluge of paper work; bills, scrapes of uber fabulous editorials [I’ve torn out of various glossies], images that inspire me, stuff I've been meaning to write about for the last six months -and an out of control mish-mash of odds and ends found in various second-hand shops in 'The Bar'...I was over the whole messy mess a couple of weeks ago -and thus, -started the journey back to a neat table' [King Alex and I -live in such a small space that our table has multiple usage . Its a desk for me, its a bed for Alex's Power rangers, its our dinning table, its also a place Alex does his school work, and becomes a bed for me at 3am in the morning -when I'm obsessing over my blogs etc]...

So a couple of weeks ago I thought if I take a photograph of it [the mess] –it would shame me into tidying it up …and when I looked at the photo –it just struck me …..I have created a beautiful and elegant mess….how fabulous! Sometimes we just don’t know what we have, -because even in our mess -our cup is still running over…Thanks Daddy God... xx

So sing this song with me...

Running over, running over *
My cup is full and running over*
Since the Lord loves me,
I'm as happy as can be! **
My cup*** is full and* running over

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