
Thursday 6 May 2010

Fashion et al Hearts Nanna Blondell

Some women -have ‘it’ don’t they? Whilst the rest of us struggle with our can’t-be-arsed-days, –there are those who always get it right [without even trying –lucky gals] –and the ever beautiful Nanna Blondell [a Swedish actress and presenter] is one of them. I first spied Nanna -a couple of years ago via a NYC fashion blog and made a mental note. I love her neat relaxed hair and laidback natural make-up. And I’m a big fan of her unpretentious, innate chic style. Nanna is truly one of my all time favorite fashionistas –and comes second only to Genevieve Jones! Why we don’t see her in mainstream magazines –I don’t know but I’m pleased to bring her to the attention of fashion editors -now! So watch out for a Nanna Blondell invasion –she’s about to capture fashion hearts…..x

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