
Thursday 3 June 2010

I know ‘My Redeemer Lives’ – [as sang by Nicole C Mullen]

I don’t know what's going on; –my mind wants to write about fashion but my heart and soul –wants to [only] praise God –right now. –I found out that I love God more than what –anyone could possibly think of me! He is bigger than fashion, bigger than my fears, bigger than my wants –and there I say it.....bigger than my dreams. I know that my Redeemer lives –and I’m not ashamed of the gospel.

Don’t make anyone bigger than you; they are the same as you –but remember, -to never make yourself bigger than God. You must have reverence for God –because without it, -a person is never [truly] beautiful.

My mother and I have always had a somewhat ...non existence relationship [most of my life]. But a few days ago, -we met up and embraced, cried together and let all the past go.....all by Gods perfect grace..... And I feel so light; so free, so Blessed, so redeemed, so born again, –so alive –and beautiful. A lifetime of not feeling a certain kind of love –has ended. My heart’s no longer missing a piece...Thank you daddy God.....Paulina Opoku-Gyimah...xx

To recover ownership of by paying a specified sum.
To fulfill (a pledge, for example).
To set free; rescue or ransom.
To save from a state of sinfulness and its consequences.
To make up for:
To restore the honor, worth, or reputation of:

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