
Saturday 31 July 2010

Objects of Desire: Clare Vivier’s Handbag Collection

Unable to find the perfect chic bag to fit her laptop and other odds-n-ends, French journalist Clare Vivier launched her own chichi handbag collection [some of the most coveted bags on the planet] –and her classic, brown ‘La Tropézienne’ [unlined eco tanned] Italian leather bag (Euros 320.00) –above and her ‘Anthracite Shopping Tote’ (Euros 189.00) are now on my wishlist... For more information about Clare Vivier’s latest collection visit:

Fashion et al Hearts artist Marion Bolognesi

I love NYC based Netherlands Antillean designer and painter, Marion Bolognesi. –She paints the type of images that I ‘really’ want on my wall like the above collection called, ‘Eye Series’……..and when I grow-up, -I’m going to commission her to paint something for me… Its official, she’s now my favourite artists of all times –right now! For more information about Marion Bolognesi visit:

PS22 Chorus of 2009 Sing Coldplay's ‘Viva La Vida’ [April sings the solo]....

The music teacher of PS22 Chorus [Mr B] has restored my faith in teachers –and is proof that some still care and can get creative and make learning fun [Amen], –and as for the choir –they have made my day and should feel very proud of themselves, –they are future stars with some major fans including: Tori Amos, Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks and Beyonce.... For more information about the PS22 Chorus visit:

My inspirations for Eyebrows A/W 2010

Shot by the fabulous Bruno Dayan

Balenciaga A/W10

Sosheba Griffiths at Givenchy A/W '10

Balenciaga A/W10

Joan Smalls at Erin Wasson x RVCA A/W 10

Manish Arora A/W10

Balenciaga A/W10

Rose Cordero at Prada AW 10 [Perfect]

Montana Fishburne needs

I’ve been inundated with the very sad story that the ever wonderful, actor Laurence Fishburne’s daughter Montana aka ‘CHIPPY D’ is now in the porn industry –and I sooo didn’t want to believe it.....but from the video clip [above] via YouTube, –all I can say is.... –I have watched it several times and I don’t believe Montana’s being herself [or in her best place right now...she looks pretty spaced out to me] -and thus, is being exploited by this errrrrrrrm porn whatever called Brian Pumper. Fashion et al is sending out prayers and ‘Big Love’ to the whole Fishburne family, –Montana needs help, –they need to intervene now –or she’ll regret it!

Thursday 29 July 2010

Objects of Desire: Accessories by Dandi Maestre

“My designs show a very strong mix of naïve and urban cultures. Born in Colombia, my work is clearly influenced by my travels, and profoundly by my respect of indigenous and tribal cultures around the world. My collection grows every season and is never outdated.” Dandi Maestre

Colombian-born, Toronto-based Dandi Maestre’s kaleidoscope of exotic and natural/recycled, oversize tribal accessories are sooo beautiful, –they are works of art. Made from environmentally friendly: beads, horn/shed antlers, amber, seeds/coconuts, shells/coral, wood/leather, natural fibers - Dandi’s yummy creations are inspired by ‘all objects of nature, water, insects, toys, religious objects, arts and crafts, music, the sea and optimism’. To be honest –I sooo didn’t want to share this beautiful accessories guru with you [heheehe], –but as you’ll soon see, -Ms Maestre’s about to blow up [this side of the pond] –and will no longer be a secret –so I thought I’d get there first. For more information about Dandi Maestre visit:

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Jessica White 4 Sean Penn

My mate Ms Nanalious and I were talking about black-gal-wannabes [personally I’m a big fan of there’s] and just how very easy it is to become famous –right now [I disagree by the way –it takes balls and killer confidence to stand up and be counted]. We talked about the ubiquitous nose job, the skin bleaching, the lace-front wig and the coloured contact lenses –and got into a very heated conversation about the very ‘alive’, Jessica White –of whom I’m a fan! Nana was convinced that all the aforementioned had made it very possible/easy for Ms White to make it –but I disagree. Surly we all know of gals or sisters in the errr [sort of] public eye who have that look but are still struggling to be spotted in Movida never mind by some scouting agent!

In fact, its two things that have helped to catapult this talented gal into the public domain –and one of them is how very clever she is [many rumours abound of just how very clever Jessica White is] and of course, -her very thin body [plus, I don’t know if she bleaches.... that’s her business –even though certain black blogs call her, -Jessica ‘Ashy’ White]. Also, I truly believe that unlike when I was growing up in Ghana, –women are no longer beautiful because they have naturally beautiful faces –no sirrreeee! You can have a face like a hammer-head shark but as long as you’re rail thin [in the west anyways] –you are deemed beautiful. But truly, I love Jessica. She has the balls to get up of a Morning –and put her best foot forward, –plus she rocks –she can pay her own rent! Jessica White’s so much more than the aforementioned errrm ubiquitous qualities or her body, -she’s a Victoria Secret’s model –and that’s what I want to be when I grow-up! She has also been linked to some killer gorgeous men.....and is now all over Blogland because of her hook-up with the ever fabulous Sean Penn [clever gal] –oh, if you haven’t already been bombarded with this one –google her. For more info about model Jessica White visit:

Monday 26 July 2010

No Vogue for Africa

Two of the many covers by Mario Epanya

Dated: Thursday, 22 July 2010
African photographer Mario Epanya's proposition of an African edition of Vogue has been rejected by publishing house, Condé Nast.

Epanya, who created fictitional covers and editorials for his campaign, posted on his Facebook page: "DEAR ALL. The Wait is over. Condé Nast said NO to an African license of VOGUE. So this is the last cover. Enjoy, but it's a beginning of something."

African-American lifestyle site Madame Noire writes: "Obviously, Vogue can still get away with a few editorials featuring Africans and African Americans sprinkled here and there. Although their "Black Issue" flew off the magazine racks in 2008, are you really surprised that Conde Nast rejected the idea?"

Some of those commenting on the story have called on Africans to boycott the other 18 international Vogue editions and opt for local magazines, such as Arise, instead. [Credit:]

***I would like to thank the lovely Natasha for the link to the above piece......But no, I’m not surprised, –I’m afraid my views on this subject –have not been popular, –so I haven’t felt the need to share them. All I’m willing to say right now -is, -the last time I checked, -Africa was a continent and not a country, –nor were its people one homogenised group.... The best Mario Epanya can do -is maybe ask the Vogues to book him for shoots, –plus ….I’m sure we are all grateful for the debate he started [although, -I dooo foresee a Vogue South Africa in the very near future]. For more information about Mario Epanya visit: –and for more info about the Vogue Africa debate by Mario Epanya on Facebook –visit:

Thursday 22 July 2010

Who do I want to work with right now......Slavna Martinovic -that's who......

As you know by now -I'm always on the look out for 'Hot' talent -and they don't come much hotter than Slavna Martinovic -right now! Born in Belgrade, educated in Hong Kong [where she grew up] and a graduate of London College of Fashion -Slavna's global sensibilities oozes out of her work. A stylist [she has worked for: W, Harpers Bazaar, Flaunt, Contents, Cosmopolitan, US weekly, Marie Claire, Soma], a make up artist, an artist [she has a Masters degree in Multimedia Arts from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade] and costume designer [Slavna moved to Los Angeles in 1999 -where she worked in the music and film industry, with stars like Chloe Sevigny, Famke Janssen, Dougray Scott, Daniela Amavia, Tory Spelling, Pink, Usher]. In 2007 Slavna -started her fashion line creating limited edition hand crafted and finished luxury garments, accessories, jewelry and shoes –and her collection has been celebrated in uber glossies like: L'Officiel, Elle, Gala, Joy, Faar, Grazia et al.

I’m loving the [above] images of Slavna Martinovic’s A/W collection entitled 'How The Moon Floats Through Her'. Her classic, non-seasonal limited edition hand crafted and finished garments and jewelry are pieces of art -and I covet them all. I’d love to collaborate with her -in the near future. To check out Slavna Martinovic's prolific work -visit:

Wednesday 21 July 2010

God Bless Nmachi –a beautiful white baby born to loving black parents…..

Congratulations to the Ihegboro family -on the safe birth of Nmachi, –a bonny ‘white’ baby girl with blonde hair and blue eyes! Of Nigerian origin –the Ihegboro are a loving family –and baby Nmachi’s future is bright! Fashion et al wishes her and her lovely family all the best and hopes that they will be allowed to raise their beautiful family in peace –because as someone commented on the Sun website today, ‘She is a beautiful baby girl, please don't make her a freak show’ –and I agree! God is in the details….xx

“The Lord works in mysterious ways. First black president in the USA, first World cup in Africa, first time winner in Spain...and now this. To God be the glory. And to this family may all the blessings come your way.” Melvoe [via the Sun Website]

The following is a bit more information from the Sun webite:
THE white baby girl born to black parents is to undergo full genetic tests, it was revealed yesterday.

And Ben and Angela Ihegboro are also trying to discover whether they have any white ancestry. The devout Christian couple believe there are no whites on either side of their Nigerian families that could have led to four-day-old Nmachi's skin colour.

But Ben's mother Amebo, 70, is unusual in having blue eyes. Ben and Angela agreed to let experts study Nmachi as geneticist Dr Mark Thomas, of University College, London, said the odds of the baby's white colouring were "between many millions to one and a million to one".

He said: "I suspect there's been a mixture of a mutation, like albinism, combined with a dormant white gene."

Ben, 44, a customer services adviser, said: "It doesn't matter to us quite how she came about but we will do what we can to find answers. She's a beautiful, miracle baby and we love her. She could be green and yellow - we would love her the same."

The Sun told yesterday how Ben and Angela, of Woolwich, South London, were amazed by their blonde daughter's birth at Queen Mary's Hospital, Sidcup.


Sunday 18 July 2010

Sweet, Sweet, Sweet Serenity –‘Young Girl in Profile’ (From Tennessee Series), 1948 –Photographed by Consuelo Kanaga

My little man and I went to Tate Modern the other day –and as you do, ended a fabulous day in their yummy bookstore –and bought the above postcard. I love this photo [it’s sitting on my desk in one of those funky clips that hold post-it notes], –it’s soo beautiful and serene! I googled the details on the back of the postcard and found the following insightful info about the photographer behind it, Consuelo Kanaga -on the NYTimes website:

A Pioneer Of Realism
Consuelo Kanaga (1894-1978) was one of America's most important photographers. Yet largely because she disdained wealth, fame and self-promotion, her transcendent images have never received the acclaim they deserve.
Born in Astoria, Ore., Kanaga was hired in 1915 as a reporter at The San Francisco Chronicle but quickly became more interested in the work of the paper's photographers. She took a job in the darkroom and was eventually named a staff photographer.

Inspired by the images in Alfred Stieglitz's magazine, Camera Work, she left the newspaper and moved to New York in 1922. She soon became closely associated with such photographers as Edward Weston, Imogen Cunningham, Dorothea Lange and Louise Dahl. In 1932, Miss Kanaga was represented in the landmark "f.64" exhibition in San Francisco, the first major photography show that stressed realism over romanticism.

Her talent was rooted in an almost mystical belief that photography was a sacred trust -- she felt obligated to capture the true essence of her subject. Her drive to fulfill this trust helped Kanaga, who was white, to understand the lives of blacks and to produce some of the most moving works ever done in African-American portraiture. She was equally talented in still-life and landscape photography, and her feeling for urban architecture was stimulated by her involvement with the socially committed New York Photo League during the 1930's.

She continued to work into her 70's, despite suffering from emphysema and cancer, which were probably caused by the chemicals used in creating her prints. Her body of work, though comparatively small, is consistently exceptional. Consuelo Kanaga died virtually unknown in 1978, but her talent endures. -- BARBARA HEAD MILLSTEIN, associate curator of painting and sculpture at the Brooklyn Museum.

Photos: The Bowery, New York, 1935. Girl with double-heart ring, Tennessee, 1948. Child on tenement fire escape, New York, mid-1930's. Mother with children, New York, 1922-24. Young girl in profile, Tennessee, 1948. Man with rooster, New York, mid-1930's.

***P.s you can visit the following link to see more of Consuelo Kanaga’s work: