
Wednesday 21 July 2010

God Bless Nmachi –a beautiful white baby born to loving black parents…..

Congratulations to the Ihegboro family -on the safe birth of Nmachi, –a bonny ‘white’ baby girl with blonde hair and blue eyes! Of Nigerian origin –the Ihegboro are a loving family –and baby Nmachi’s future is bright! Fashion et al wishes her and her lovely family all the best and hopes that they will be allowed to raise their beautiful family in peace –because as someone commented on the Sun website today, ‘She is a beautiful baby girl, please don't make her a freak show’ –and I agree! God is in the details….xx

“The Lord works in mysterious ways. First black president in the USA, first World cup in Africa, first time winner in Spain...and now this. To God be the glory. And to this family may all the blessings come your way.” Melvoe [via the Sun Website]

The following is a bit more information from the Sun webite:
THE white baby girl born to black parents is to undergo full genetic tests, it was revealed yesterday.

And Ben and Angela Ihegboro are also trying to discover whether they have any white ancestry. The devout Christian couple believe there are no whites on either side of their Nigerian families that could have led to four-day-old Nmachi's skin colour.

But Ben's mother Amebo, 70, is unusual in having blue eyes. Ben and Angela agreed to let experts study Nmachi as geneticist Dr Mark Thomas, of University College, London, said the odds of the baby's white colouring were "between many millions to one and a million to one".

He said: "I suspect there's been a mixture of a mutation, like albinism, combined with a dormant white gene."

Ben, 44, a customer services adviser, said: "It doesn't matter to us quite how she came about but we will do what we can to find answers. She's a beautiful, miracle baby and we love her. She could be green and yellow - we would love her the same."

The Sun told yesterday how Ben and Angela, of Woolwich, South London, were amazed by their blonde daughter's birth at Queen Mary's Hospital, Sidcup.


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