
Thursday 28 October 2010

So what if Crystal Renn’s no longer plus size……

Crystal Renn now...

As always, if I miss something relevant, -my mate Talib will tell me all about it...–and has done just that with the latest hot newsssss, wait for it…plus size uber model, Crystal Renn is no longer plus size… And as you can imagine, some folks feel they have the right to express their wacky views about Crystal Renn’s new body. Personally, the minute some money falls out of the sky, I’ll hotfoot it to London’s Harley Street and get a lap-band fitted and join sister Crystal Renn in her quest for a much more healthier body, mind and soul.. Why should she stay fat? And who will she be staying fat for? She never put herself up there as a spokes person for the fat brigade –so why should she stay fat (to make them happy)? …… et al is sending out lots of big love Crystal Renn’s way and praying that the backlash doesn’t dent her new found self-love….thanks Tals for keeping up-to-date…as always xxx

You can read more about the above at:

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Photographer: Wayne Lawrence

Did anyone see the above photos by Wayne Lawrence in last weekends The Sunday Times Magazine [dated 3.10.2010]? The above portraits were taken at Orchard Beach in the Bronx, New York, known as ‘ghetto beach’, -the manmade strip is part of the Bronx Riviera, and has served as a summer retreat for the locals since the 1930s –and the locals (I’m sure you’ll agree) make very interesting subjects. Anyway, I just had to find out more about this fascinating photographer, and the following is what I found out from the Institute for Artist Management’s Blog..….

Wayne Lawrence is a St.Kitts born documentary photographer based in Brooklyn, New York. His work is a visual diary of his life experiences, and focuses on individuals and rituals within communities otherwise overlooked by the mainstream media.

His photographs have been exhibited at the Open Society Institute, The African American Museum of Philadelphia, The Nathan Cummings Foundation, The George and Leah McKenna Museum of African American Art, The Corridor Gallery and The Calumet Gallery and have been featured in publications such as COLORS, Esquire, Essence, Mother Jones, Newsweek, PDN, Trace, Vibe, XXL and Repubblica XL.

In 2010, Wayne was selected as one of Photo District News’ 30 photographers to watch and received the Sony Emerging Photographer award (PDN’s Photo Annual) for his work from Orchard Beach.

His work is included in the permanent collection of the Dusable Museum of African American History

***For more information about Wayne Lawrence visit his website at: