
Thursday 28 October 2010

So what if Crystal Renn’s no longer plus size……

Crystal Renn now...

As always, if I miss something relevant, -my mate Talib will tell me all about it...–and has done just that with the latest hot newsssss, wait for it…plus size uber model, Crystal Renn is no longer plus size… And as you can imagine, some folks feel they have the right to express their wacky views about Crystal Renn’s new body. Personally, the minute some money falls out of the sky, I’ll hotfoot it to London’s Harley Street and get a lap-band fitted and join sister Crystal Renn in her quest for a much more healthier body, mind and soul.. Why should she stay fat? And who will she be staying fat for? She never put herself up there as a spokes person for the fat brigade –so why should she stay fat (to make them happy)? …… et al is sending out lots of big love Crystal Renn’s way and praying that the backlash doesn’t dent her new found self-love….thanks Tals for keeping up-to-date…as always xxx

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