
Monday 13 December 2010


I remember not liking ‘Blue & Whites’ with a passion when I was younger, but now look at me with my posh collection of ‘Blue & White’ ‘this and that’. I love my large ‘Blue & White’ vase and think it makes for a perfect base for my Christ Birthday Tree. I’ve been collecting my lovely baubles for years from various junk shops, Selfridges, Heals, Habitat and Ikea; -and I love this controlled look…(I think a tree looks much better when its baubles are not too matchy matchy)…King Alexander ‘Jojo’, though -was ready to let-rip so I manipulated the situation and got him errrrr very interested in making the fabulous paper-chains (below) ….

Christ Birthday Tree Details…

 Hangin Cards….
King Alexander and I decided to hang up our Christ Birthday cards this year and I’m loving the result…as you can see they look lovely hanging in front of this gorgeous black and white print by Jamaican artist, J. Macdonald Henry called ‘Tups’

 More Hangin Cards….


 Paper-Chains Details
We made the paper-chains out of old American Vogues, Elle UK and other fabulous glossies

Bougie Parfume and artist Kelly O’Gorman
Baby its cold outside…. its soooo important this time of the year to create a cosy atmosphere and I find that a yummy smelling house is a warm house….I love the warmth of cinnamon and was elated when I stumbled across this cinnamon room spray, incense and scented oil set from T.K Maxx. The green post card is by artist, Kelly O’Gorman and is entitled ‘Green Hare’ –I’m predicating Kelly’s the next ‘big’ star of the ‘Art’ world, -her work is beautiful in a macabre sort-of-way…a bit like the Alexander McQueen of the art world! For more information about Kelly O’Gorman visit: …Check out my ancient Akwaaba Doll –she just had to be the centre of attention! We also sprayed some hollies gold and scattered them around the room –very prickly bling… 

Let there be light...
Candles don’t just smell good but help to create warmth. The black candle is sooo sweet smelling that I stock up all year round, its called Compelling Candle and its from Space NK…The Christ Birthday light (behind) is from Ikea –I bought it a couple of years ago…

 More Light...
This is what Christ Birthday’s ‘all’ about for me…the story of Christ Lord Jesus! King Alexander is starring as one of the wise men in his school play -so its good to have the Nativity model..…I’ve had the Nativity scene for years… I got it in a charity shop for next to nothing and love it sooo! The red reindeer tea lights are from Tiger, I got them last week –so they should still be in stock....

 Food and Champagne
Christ Birthday’s the best time to bring out all your lovely crockery –and I don’t hold back hehehe! The antique cake stand is from THE BARN in Barnet (please check out their details on past post) and I going to ply it full of Monkey Poodle’s yummy cupcakes –they make the best ‘Lemon Drizzle’ cupcakes. You can check them out at  Moet, what’s not to love…? I have also got a large collection of new, old and antique cutlery and I’m going to use them –they look lovely…

Baubles in glass and gold bowls..
As you’ll know by now, I don’t do tinsels or other plastic Christ Birthday decorations –I prefer to put lots of different coloured/textured baubles in clear or gold gilded bowls/vases like the antique one pictured here…The lovely black and white postcard (framed) is ‘Young Girl in Profile’ 1948, by photographer Consuelo Kanaga (please see past post for more details)…

***Have fun people, get all your lovely things/stuff out and play….send your photos to my account …and lets catch-up soon xxx 

Friday 3 December 2010

Have you seen Chico & Rita yet?

“Cuba, 1948. Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice. Music and romantic desire unites them, but their journey - in the tradition of the Latin ballad, the bolero - brings heartache and torment. From Havana to New York, Paris, Hollywood and Las Vegas, two passionate individuals battle impossible odds to unite in music and love.” Youtbue…

**I’m hoping to watch …..very soon –the animation looks amazing –plus, Rita is the next big thing….xx

Monday 29 November 2010

Stella Magazine, H&M’s latest ad campaign –black gals 'always' rock….

To be honest, I’m over Stella magazine but when I glimpsed the above cover of sister Janet looking sooo fashion forward -I just had to buy The Sunday telegraph. How hot is Janet –right now? I love H&M’s latest ad, –a wonderful celebration of African beauty featuring Somali desert flower, Waris Dirie and the ever lovely, Ethiopian uber model, Liya Kebede…’s just reminded me, -last year Liya starred in the film-adaption of Waris’ bestselling autobiography ‘Desert Flower’. The film recounts Waris’ childhood in Somalia, her life as a supermodel and her fight to bring awareness of ‘female circumcision’ to the world. It premiered at the Venice Film Festival and received a standing ovation.. I’m crazy about these images……

Saturday 20 November 2010

Fashion et al Hearts: Sunitha Krishnan…

As always I was flicking through the channels, after another unsatisfactory viewing of old favourite, OBE TV (Sky’s 221), –the channel had promised music and thus I had saved it believing that some delicious Ghanaian Hip-Life music was in store, -was it heck! Some promo about a health store -somewhere had me running through the channels when I happened about upon OHTV (Sky 199) which was showing a programme called TED TALK –and I sooo believe God had predestined for me to watch it. The aforementioned show introduced me to one of the most inspirational women / human beings I have ever had the pleasure to observe. Her name is Sunitha Krishnan and I love her, and because I could never do her any justices, feel that the best for you to do is to google her. I am truly moved by this special lady’s story, and hope to someday be able to contribute something to her charity. God bless you Sunitha Krishnan xx

“Dr. Sunitha Krishnan, born in 1969, is an Indian social activist and chief functionary and co-founder of Prajwala, an institution that assists trafficked women and girls find shelter. The organization also helps pay for the education of five thousand children infected with HIV/AIDS in Hyderabad. Prajwala’s “second-generation” prevention program operates in 17 transition centers and has served thousands of children of prostituted mothers. The NGO’s strategy is to remove women from brothels by giving their children educational and career opportunities. Krishnan and her staff train survivors in carpentry, welding, printing, masonry and housekeeping.” Wikipedia (Credit:

**To keep up to date with all Sunitha Krishnan happenings visit:

Friday 19 November 2010

Words of Wisdom: Dag Heward-Mills

"Delays occur in our lives because God wants us to experience certain tests. He allows us to be tested by delaying certain things. He searches us to know what is in our hearts. He wants to see our response to delays. Many good people become evil during the period of delay. Remember today that a DELAY is what will bring out what is truly in you! Deut 8:2. Be blessed."

**Yep, I know all about delays!

Monday 15 November 2010

OMGoodness, Rama Yade is no longer in Government!

"I thank the President of the Republic for trusting me for three years. Ministerial posts aside like I've always said to anyone, I leave without regret the work that I did for the Government. I'm proud of the work that I did, both as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Human Rights and Secretary of State for Sports. I thank the human rights and sports family for what they gave me."

"I always made the deliberate choice to stay true to my republican and humanist values. I don't regret anything. I never wanted to deny or silence my deeply held ideals. I preserve it, as a token of my righteousness and my deepest convictions. With the strong support that the French have always given me, I regain my full freedom of speech and action in the service of my new commitments." Rama Yade

I’ve watched Senegalese born French politician, Rama Yade transform over the years, and admired her strength –when she was demoted from ‘Junior Minister for European Affairs and Human rights’ in the ministry of Foreign Affairs in France to ‘Secretary of State for Sports’ –for what many believe was as direct consequence, -of her refusal to run for the European Parliament as demanded by President Sarkozy (or as some believe, –was her outspoken and often public criticism of President Sarkozy). Also Mme Yada has in terms of style evolved from; ashy-foundation-face, bad hair, what-is-she-wearing woman, -into a very chic-politician…I’m truly shocked that President Sarkozy's left this intelligent, warm sister out of his government (after the resent reshuffled of his cabinet). -But I get the feeling... Rama Yade will be back soon, -bigger and better!

Wednesday 10 November 2010

THE BARN (High Barnet’s uber fabulous treasure trove) is no longer a secret…..& Lucy Turner does grown-up furniture for grown-up girls…

THE BARN (High Barnet)

If you’re anything like me, then it’s all about solid, grown-up, built to last furniture –right now. I’m soo into antiques and have a growing collection of beautifully made solid pieces of furniture that my little man, King Alex’s going to inherit one day (he’s soo not that excited, –bless him).. I’m not a snob and buy from car boot sales, charity shops and the odd auction house but my favourite place ever (I’ve never been disappointed) is THE BARN, -a lovely and warm shop, jam-packed with the best and most affordable antiques, gifts, mid century stuff, books, vintage and collectables like the lovely long black Christian Dior dress with low back and tassel detail sleeves -I saw last night for £180.00 in Barnet, North London. THE BARN is an insider secret and thus doesn’t have a website but the contact details are as follows:

2 Bruce Road

Open every day: Mon –Sat 10am -5pm
Sunday 11am -3pm
They also buy and sell
Contact: Susanne on 07932 105 061

Lucy Turner

I’ve also fallen in love with Lucy Turner’s gorgeous re-worked, reused, recycled yummy pieces and just had to share. Just feast your eyes on the ‘Sea Jade’ sideboard and the ‘Set of Three Petal Tables’ above! For more information about Lucy Turner visit:

Friday 5 November 2010

Fashion et al Hearts Katerina Graham

I’m predicting that actress/musician Katerina Graham of ‘The Vampire Diaries’ fame is fashion’s next big thing! She not only gives good lips (bright pink, sexy orange etc) but is sooo on-trend with her love of eclectic jewellery and to-live-for-shoes. Some of you might remember Ms Graham musically with the smash hit, ‘I got it from my momma’ with with Will.I.Am -and her very own, ‘Sassy’ –all I can say right now is watch this space –I think she’s about to take over…remember I told you first!  For more info on Katerina visit:

Thursday 28 October 2010

So what if Crystal Renn’s no longer plus size……

Crystal Renn now...

As always, if I miss something relevant, -my mate Talib will tell me all about it...–and has done just that with the latest hot newsssss, wait for it…plus size uber model, Crystal Renn is no longer plus size… And as you can imagine, some folks feel they have the right to express their wacky views about Crystal Renn’s new body. Personally, the minute some money falls out of the sky, I’ll hotfoot it to London’s Harley Street and get a lap-band fitted and join sister Crystal Renn in her quest for a much more healthier body, mind and soul.. Why should she stay fat? And who will she be staying fat for? She never put herself up there as a spokes person for the fat brigade –so why should she stay fat (to make them happy)? …… et al is sending out lots of big love Crystal Renn’s way and praying that the backlash doesn’t dent her new found self-love….thanks Tals for keeping up-to-date…as always xxx

You can read more about the above at:

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Photographer: Wayne Lawrence

Did anyone see the above photos by Wayne Lawrence in last weekends The Sunday Times Magazine [dated 3.10.2010]? The above portraits were taken at Orchard Beach in the Bronx, New York, known as ‘ghetto beach’, -the manmade strip is part of the Bronx Riviera, and has served as a summer retreat for the locals since the 1930s –and the locals (I’m sure you’ll agree) make very interesting subjects. Anyway, I just had to find out more about this fascinating photographer, and the following is what I found out from the Institute for Artist Management’s Blog..….

Wayne Lawrence is a St.Kitts born documentary photographer based in Brooklyn, New York. His work is a visual diary of his life experiences, and focuses on individuals and rituals within communities otherwise overlooked by the mainstream media.

His photographs have been exhibited at the Open Society Institute, The African American Museum of Philadelphia, The Nathan Cummings Foundation, The George and Leah McKenna Museum of African American Art, The Corridor Gallery and The Calumet Gallery and have been featured in publications such as COLORS, Esquire, Essence, Mother Jones, Newsweek, PDN, Trace, Vibe, XXL and Repubblica XL.

In 2010, Wayne was selected as one of Photo District News’ 30 photographers to watch and received the Sony Emerging Photographer award (PDN’s Photo Annual) for his work from Orchard Beach.

His work is included in the permanent collection of the Dusable Museum of African American History

***For more information about Wayne Lawrence visit his website at:

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Bishop Eddie Long???? What’s going on across the pond?

I’m not going to judge…goodness knows I have my own jagger-jaggerness going on but to initiate sexual contact through coercion??? This situation needs lots of prayers, the truth, deliverance and loads of healing. I’m sending out lots of love to all involved, -especially the boys and Bishop Eddie Long’s wife regardless of whether the claims are true or not…..

Monday 20 September 2010

Fashion et al Hearts Constance White

There is something about eBay’s Style Director, Constance White –isn’t there? Fabulously natural, uber neat and a real joy to behold (she’s always smiling) –I love the exquisite way she dresses –in that effortless, laidback, classic way -I’m a big fan.