
Friday 22 April 2011

Fashion et al Hearts Karrueche Tran

Karrueche Tran, Karrueche Tran, Karrueche Tran -her names sooo hot I had to print it thrice. Chris Brown’s new gal pal, Karrueche Tran is uber new to Fashion et al’s radar -but as she explodes over the pond, I’m predicting it wouldn’t be long until UK mainstream media (especially as most read fashion et al) -will be talking about this young fire-cracker. You can follow all of Mz Tran’s yummy happenings via twitter at:!/karrueche


  1. She's cute, interesting face. I hear she's supposed to be of Vietnamese ancestry?

  2. love herrrr chris did greattt

  3. she's a bitch! team breezy need to open there eyez! there only happy for chris and her because they think he's happy... THEY COULDNT BE MORE FUCKING WRONG. she's rude and a total bitch and in australia, when chris called a fan "beautiful" when he turned his back, SHE PUSHED HER!!:@ she does drugs.. got chris smocking weed.. not to mention she's only using him for fame and what not. yeahhh.. how'd ya like her now? karrueche is not good for him and follows chris around EVERYWHERE! she needs to get her own fucking job. Burn in hell karrueche:) and you might not believe me but i've known kae even before she was with chris.

    1. WOW u must really hate her. She's far prettier than Rihanna though

    2. I think u should get your eyes checked. She looks like a whore

    3. WOW!!! Instead of worrying about her you need to worry about yourself. Be a better person and live your life the way you want. Because at the end day she is enjoying hers. Peace and Love Yall!!!!

  4. wow!

    Last comment was me thinking tho..........

  5. She's super cute!!! perfect girl for Chris:D

  6. she is pretty and chris if your happy am happy =)#1 fan #TeamBreezy for life !


    1. She's got better shape, face, legs than Rihanna. I can't stand Rihanna forehead way too big for my liking. Rihanna tights are also getting big. She's got to watch it>

    2. becose shes not Rihanna..

  8. shes soo cute! she is very pretty and as for the one that says that knows here damn ...smh you couldnt sound more like a hater...seems to me that your hella jelly!

  9. I think this new girl is gorgeous. and to the rude person talking about how much of a bitch Karrueche is, you are acting like you breathe their air 24/7. Don't be about that life. Be happy for Chris

    1. we r happy 4's her were worried abt....

  10. shes adorable, BUT i think chris should get back with rihanna !, i loved Chrianna!

  11. still a fan of riri and breezy...crossing my fingers hope they became friends and bring back some mem'ries...

  12. Happy for Chris, but shes not sexy and beautiful either, thousands and thousands more beautiful and sexier only on my little island, fans just dont want to dissapoint chris, believe me it will not last long this relationship.

  13. im dissapointed frankly in chris when looking at her girls photo, shes around a lot of hotter, sexier and much more beautiful girls.Wahr more she has than rihanna. Think riahna is more attactive and sexier...ofcourse.

  14. This mud is half black, half Vietnamese.

    1. hey racist sheet go back to sleep

  15. She Cute, but if she can model U need to Check me OUT @ prettymarib on facebook...!!!! Tran, tell Breezy to Holla at me;-) !!!!! So we can get that REAL MoNey!!!!! Feel Me !!! UnDiscovered HooD Beauty!!!!!!!!!

  16. wow are y'all really serious like chill out for real :D at the end of the day.. CHRIS is the one living this life if he don't want rhianna then that's his choice I mean like don't be pressuring him or nothing and for all the one's who said that Karrueche Tran is not pretty/hott y'all know y'all lying because she is a BEAUTIFUL girl <3 !

    CHILL THE F*%# OUT !!!!

  17. He could have done better!

  18. OK REALLY.... How about Chris is an abusive low life!! and obviously if this "beautiful litlle girl" wants to be with Chris then hopefully she realizes the risks she is taking. Chris is cocky and thinks everything revolves around him. Unfortunately, for Chris people will not forget what he did and he will always be known for the time he beat the crap out of Rhianna, not for his lame music. Infact, even his lame music will soon be forgotten. I mean really it is nothing special, or nothing memorable about any of it. So, hopefully Chris reads this as well as his new little girlfriend because I would like to tell her, girl you can do way better than Chris- a man who beats women; and Chris please just go away because no one wants to look at your pathetic, low-life, good for nothing face anymore...You make me sick!!! and no one will ever forget what you did and the true person you are. You should beg for forgiveness every waking second that you have because what you did was absolutely disgusting. Espessially, when you are in a position where you should be setting a positive example for the youth of today. Instead you are showing young men that abuse against a woman is o.k. Well, I hope you rot in hell!! Good bye and Good ridence Chris Brown- aka- LOSER!!!!

    1. I believes it takes 2 to make a fight. No sane human being will beat up anybody for no just reason. I'm not justifying Chris actions but for God sake let's give Chris Brown a break. "What did Rihanna do to deserve that beating?"

    2. People need to get over the past!!!!!!!!!! He made a mistake, you need to forget it!!!!

  19. 14 year old vietnamese hooker is in style now?!?

    1. Your MOTHER!!!!! F*UCK you racist B*stard!!!!!!

  20. the only thing she is,is beautiful nd cant be compare to riri she got no status for it,i just hope she loves him nd his happy

  21. She looks sooo cute n.n

  22. sh z beautiful,oh yeah!sh gat dis and dat,oh yeah. . .bt sh aint supozd 2 b wit ma man breezy bitch!!cnt sh c ther z smthn goin on alrdy btwin riri and chris? ? back off biatch! ! chrianna 4 ril,pipo mek mistakes

  23. 1. You're all f**ked. Look after you own stupid lives, your own family and your own friends. Stop worrying about some stranger and his 'girlfriend'. You ppl write like you actually know the guy. get a life!

    2. Most of you need to go back to school and learn how to write.

  24. Hahaha how do you guys have all this time? So ignorant

  25. Welll i think she looks great better than rihanna......she doesnt need alot of makeup like rihanna does plus she has better hair. People should stop worrying and commenting who Breezy should date. U guys are making a big fuzz about nothing he dont even know ya. S!!it get over it.

  26. B L A S I A N !!!! (;

  27. Leave this young lady alone. Nobody is pefect nor sinless. Chris may just be happy with Kae. She has been with him the longest and through what may be the most traumatic time of his life. There has been other young ladies before Kae and Rihanna said nothing. Only when he made it public with Karruech, Rihanna acts like she is losing her mind.I knew she still wants him, but I don't believe he wants her no matter how his mother, Joyce may feel about his ex's. I believe his mother likes Kae in spite of what people are saying and it really doesn't matter if she don't because she can only be his mother. I know people who has tried to please their parents by choosing the people their parents like and was so miserable. People are being so disrespectful to the both of them especially Kae. The song "Don't Judge Me" he is sining to his current girlfriend, Karrueche. I don't condemn what Chris did, but Rhianna has to be held accountable, also, because men a susecptible to domestic violence, also. Chris made it through with the Grace & Mercy of God rather you believe it or not. God was not going to allowman to destroy this young man's life becuase of someone else's selfishness. Yet Chris had to suffer the consequences of his actions and hopefully he has been delievered from the evilness that surrended him when he was with Rihanna. When this happened he was only like 19, not even legal. Just imagine what his mother went through hear and seeing peolple trying to destroy Chris career and life. Every chance Rihanna got she threw Chris Brown under the bus. The real truth hasn't ben told. If you notice Rihanna has no peace in her life. Do you know why? She ahs been lying about some off the events that happened that night. Maybe Chris Brown was tired of her and wanted to see other people. Some people acts as if Chris Brown owes Rihanna something and he apoligize already. Rhianna was the one that contacted him first. Notice that everthing she does is sexual and thats all it ever was. She tries suduce him with sant pictures, just pure lust. Chris Brown said nothing when she had her many boyfreinds but when he found happiness the BITCH went crazy. Somthing is wrong with her. Chris and Rihanna are both adults and no can tell them who they can be with son there for Mr. Chris Brown has chosen Ms. Karrueche Tran, the future Mrs. Chris Brown. Congratulation to Mr. & Mrs Chris Brown. So, Rihanna keep it moving.

  28. i like her, but i don't see what is so exotic about her looks? she is very short so i guess she was modeling for kids and teens magazines, which i think she will do so well at
